
Home > State support > France > 2009-12-30 - Administrative Court of Rennes, n. 0701701

2009-12-30 - Administrative Court of Rennes, n. 0701701

State support · France · Public funding · Religious symbol

Illegal subsidy for a statute of Pope John Paul II displaying a cross

Key facts of the case - The County (department) of Morbihan had granted a subsidy amounting to 4500 euros to the Communautés de Communes du Pays de Ploërmel (Federation of Communes of the Ploërmel Land) with the view to fund plinths for a statute of Pope John Paul II.
Two inhabitants lodged an appeal with the administrative Court of Rennes, asking the annulment of the deliberation granting this subsidy.

Main reasoning of the court - The Court upholds their claim on the ground that the statute, erected on a public place in the city of Ploërmel, was overhanged by an arch with a cross at its top. Now, by its position and dimension, this cross took on a conspicuous character. Moreover, this cross is undoubtedly a symbol of the Christian faith. In itself, the erection of a statute of John Paul II is not contrary to the Constitution and the Act of Separation of Church and State of 9 December 1905. On the other hand, the displaying of this cross infringes those legal provisions.
Accordingly, the County’s decision granting the subsidy is annulled